What to expect...
Mrs Pockets love to sing, she can't wait to share songs with you every week!
Sessions are interactive, with children and adults being able to join in throughout the session!
It's like watching a cross between a theatre production and a gentle Cbeebies show
Capturing and holding a child's imagination to bring wonder and joy. Meet Mrs Pockets Friends - who will be in the Pockets this week?
"Mrs Pockets is like no tother Music class we have been too! It's truly enchanting and immersive"
Lucille and Arlo

Bought to you by Early Minds
Early Minds is an award winning Children's Class company based in Leicestershire. It is made up of four elements
Story Imagin-ory - An award winning immersive storytelling and play class
Baby Relax - Our relaxed sessions for Parents and babies
Whistle - Tot Lane - A beautiful mobile role play village